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When we arrived in Colombia in 1979 to teach Australian missionaries children, we didn’t envisage how God would lead us and how through each experience He would prepare us for our present day ministry. In 1984 we took into our home a small malnourished child for what was initially meant to be short time. He was the first of over 40 children in high risk situations who have found a home with us. Some came on a day-care basis; others stayed a short time, while others left the home as young adults to marry or they moved away to study. In 2008 the last three young adults moved out to live independently. Two of the young folk have not finished their university careers and still need financial support. We are in close touch with our adult children who live nearby and Sunday lunchtime there is a full house. The married bring their husbands and children, current boyfriends or girlfriends are introduced, and we two “grandmas” are kept on our toes all afternoon.

So what are we doing now that the nest is empty? What did God have in mind all those years when we were bringing up rejected children and coping with rebellious teenagers? Who will you find in our home?

While Sunday is “family day”, on any of the other six days of the week you may encounter drug addicts, prostitutes, drug-lords, new-agers, ex-guerillas, ex-paramilitary, ex-gang leaders, ex-satanists, folk dabbling deep in the occult, homosexuals, lesbians, Catholics, evangelical pastors, divorcees, quarrelling couples, ex-wives of drug-lords, disturbed children, rebellious teenagers, even people who have raped and people on the verge of suicide.
What is the answer to their many and varied problems? We are quite clear. We don’t have to have the answers because we know the One who does. The answer is Christ. It’s all about Him.

So why do people come to our home? They are people in crisis looking for answers. Pastors send us their hopeless cases; headmasters refer their difficult pupils to us. People on the verge of suicide phone us. Quarrelling couples arrive together, but refuse to look at one another.  Everyone who comes is left in no doubt that the only answer to their problem is Jesus Christ. It’s all about Him.

The spiritual needs of pastors and Christians leaders take priority. When coming from other areas, we receive them in their home. Hospitality is an integral part of the ministry. Often some of the most important conversations are held over a meal.

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