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The moment that Adam and Eve entered into the kingdom of darkness their clothing of the Glory of God fell off. This glory had kept their eyes on God more than on each other. They loved one another deeply but this love depended on God.
When these clothes fell off they saw the natural nakedness of one another and looked desperately for something to cover themselves with. In the natural sphere nothing had changed; they were standing in the same spot but in the spiritual sphere a change had occurred ─ they were destitute of the glory of God1. They were in darkness; their human spirits were disconnected from God. They were no longer in His Kingdom.
This made a terrible impact on them; they got fig leaves to cover themselves with in order to feel better. How deceived they were! The problem wasn’t physical but spiritual.

God now comes  to look for them; they are no longer in His Kingdom. They only know and understand the natural sphere. Their spiritual senses are dead; the only thing that matters is the natural sphere. Although they are still standing in the sunshine, they are in spiritual darkness.

 What is God going to do? Leave them there? Annihilate them? Create other human beings?

Here we encounter the love of God, another principle of His Kingdom that goes further than human logic: He clothed them2. He clothed them with the representation of His eternal love.

What is this representation of eternal love?

Skins. What skins? From which animal? And, why did an animal have to die? What does the clothing of skins actually mean?

God killed lambs because the Lamb of God had been slain since the foundation of the world3. It was a representation of what had already occurred in God’s eternal present; it was also looking forward to what would happen when the Lamb of God came to take away the sin of the world4.

In all the confusion Adam and Eve did not understand anything at all. Three thousand years later when Jesus Christ came, the majority of people didn’t understand either. It was there the love of God was manifested5 ─ in Jesus Christ ─ to transfer them from darkness to Light5.

1Gen. 3:7 2Gen 3:21 3Rev.13:8 4John 1:29 5Rom 5:8 6Col 1:13

To be continued …

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